Peat getting lifted


Meredith not getting groped.

Just some of the masks

Alex Yanes with his piece and Carla. They came all the way from Miami, which was where I met them. Really cool peeps who just opened up their own gallery in Miami.

Adam 5100 and Peat's Mountain Dew character

Adam's Mask

Here's how mine turned out. I like how Peat masked out a couple buildings and omitted the nose from the stencil. I think I'm going to start doing a lot more black and white paint drawing.

My sister, Taryn and Greg.

Free Maker's Mark apparently brings out the Fonz.

Check out some more at Green Label Art.

The last day out there, Tadashi and I hit up the Albany Bowl. It's a little hike out to the water, but the scenery and DIY bowl is well worth it.

It looks small and it is, but this little 3.5 - 4' bowl feels like it has a foot of vert on it. It's ridiculously hard to skate, which makes it fun and a mission at the same time. Miraculously, your nose doesn't stab into the ground whenever coming in.

Tadashi threw a lot of tricks down on this boondoggle, I just threw the few I got into this quick vid. Music by Ride the Boogie.

Just down from the bowl are all these huge sculptures made from driftwood and other found objects.

SPB's are going to love this one.

Dope spot, go check it and leave the community board there.
glad to see you were able to rescue these gems. good times.
Where is the "Albany" bowl? The one located on burden lake in averill park? Email srizzo1992@gmail.com if you know PLEASE! Thanks
Salvatore: Alas, the Albany Bowl is no more. The city came ripped out the whole bowl and removed all the concrete.
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