Wanted to go somewhere relaxing and new for Christmas, so we headed up to Portland and Boston. It was really cold, but relaxing. A big Nor'Easter came in and dropped about 4' the day before we got there.
This basically sums it up.
Dunkies is everywhere here. There's a flatiron-ish corner in dawntawn Bawstawn with a Dunken Donuts next to a Starbucks, next to another Dunkies.
Meet Walter and dinner.
Walter's parents and Rosy. Chris and Abbey made this huge Seaside dinner for us. Amazing.
I'm a sucker for marinating critters in formaldehyde, especially ones that leak. Check out that coffee ring.
These little egg-pod-sub-woofers were cool too.
Dug this painting, but I can't remember any of the gallery names we checked out.
Setting out the trash on your snow pile.
Rosy falling face first into some deep snow on the coast.
Beautifully lit graveyards
Canned spotted dick. Chris got a case of it from his brother for Christmas.
Neighbor clearing his terrace roof
Don't know how this happens in nature, looks like an older Goldsworthy piece.
Miner graffiti
I liked these light pods

Reminded me of these "life husks" I was painting for a while...and will probably paint again.
Getting serious now.
Sammy's grave right off the side of the road in Boston
The headstone artwork in this cemetery was amazing
So yeah, Paul Revere, John Hancock, Ben's family, its all here. Sooo much history here and a lot of it is free and easily visited in a day.
Had to.
Paul's house is old.
Got together with Nate from San Diego and his sister who were in town for the holidays and went to the oldest functioning bar in New England (not shown). It was a little moldy.
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